Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fad Diets...Yes, Please.

There are a gazillion fad diets out there and another gazillion people telling you to make a lifestyle change instead.

Poppycock, I say! (And I say it often because it makes me laugh.)

I also say:




Tell me Snicklefritz isn't fun to say! And it's her fault I say it now.
I'm a huge fan of the fad diet. I'm a huge fan of anything that will make my ass look less huge in the next 7 days. I have an event next week that will require a cocktail dress. Shoot me now. I'm wearing a dress purchased before the Hub's last year of law school...when I gained 15 lbs. The fit is bajiggity and it's making me a snicklefritz.

So for the next 7 days, I'm going on not one fad diet, but two at the same time.

I'm already a vegetarian and I don't consider that a weight loss diet. It's too often confused with the pasta and chocolate diet and probably why my dress doesn't fit.

I am going on a vegetarian low-carb diet and part of that plan will integrate the cabbage soup diet. I haven't tried the recipe for the cabbage soup diet. I'm really just going to slightly tweek my stewed cabbage recipe and include it as meals within my low-carb diet.

I'm also staying below 1200 calories every day.

Perhaps we should call it what it is. "The Egg White, Spinach, Tuna and Cabbage Diet".

Oh, and I'm also doing the Whole Foods Complete Body Cleanse. It's good stuff and doesn't make my stomach get that flibbertigibbet feeling.

I'm not an idiot and I know I can't maintain this eating plan for long if I wanted to, which I don't. I also know that it will be all water weight and it will come back as soon as I'm finished.

However, seeing the number go down on the scale is good for morale. Seeing that number go back up ticks me off and keeps me motivated.

I'm not trying to drop 15lbs this week. I'd be happy if I could loose 5lbs and the dress fit a little better for this shin dig.

Update: I weighed on Wednesday evening after dinner and since then I've lost 10.1 lbs. It's Saturday. Granted I weighted after meals and stuff and I was clothed. Today I weighed before breakfast and was still in light sleepwear. But dude, it's so nice to see that number move. 

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