Wednesday, January 9, 2013

COT Day 3

I've received one text and an email. Things seem super hectic at COT. I wish I started a Facebook page for friends and family for this particular class. We could probably string together the cryptic emails and frantic texts to draw a conclusion about what they're going through. Besides, having someone to toss care package ideas around is always a good thing.

Future COT'ers, take note.

I did put his first care package together. It contained the following:

One pillow from our bed, packed in a Spacebag along with a dryer sheet
One package of Oreos to share with his flight-mates
One package of powdered Gatorade drink mix
One package of 100 Calorie Cocoa Almonds
One package of granola bars
One package of organic fruit leathers
One hand written card with an update on stuff at home...all good news.

In other exciting news...

Hubs forgot to pack his cold and take it with him.

I had a scratchy throat this morning and it got worse over the day.

I bought NyQuil and cough drops at Publix.

I drank my NyQuil out of a shot glass.

Big pimpin'...housewife style.

1 comment:

  1. Glad things seem to be going well so far for the hubs. Hope you are feeling better soon though! Sick is crappy, to say the least.
