Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Peach Butter and Pumpkin Butter!

I found some Peach Butter in the Dekalb Farmer's Market yesterday. It's by Braswell's and made nearby in Statesboro, Ga. This stuff is amazing. It also comes in a cute little jar that I plan to re-use.

I try to save glass jars when I can and use them instead of my plastic storage containers when sending leftovers home with friends. This little glass will make a nice addition to my already cluttered glassware cabinet.

This morning I made my Oatmeal and instead of adding cinnamon and bananas I added a big tablespoon of peach butter. It was so good I'm rethinking my plans for dinner and trying to think of ways to add more of this deliciousness into my day.

If you'd like to order the Peach Butter, Braswell's has an online store full of goodies. Here is the PEACH BUTTER link. Georgia is the Peach State so you know the Peach Butter will be amazing.

I think I'll make some tea and add a teaspoon of the peach butter to sweeten it up. Don't fret, peach butter isn't actually butter, it's pureed peaches cooked down with sugar and seasoning until the flavor is concentrated. This is so smooth I think it will mix nicely.

Besides, playing tea mixologist for the rest of the day will give me something to do while I try my hand at making Pumpkin Butter in my crockpot. (I hear it is also good in coffee and just like having your own Starbucks in your kitchen.)

The house is starting to smell pumpkiny good. It takes several hours. I'll keep you posted and if it works out I'll post the recipe. My kitchen is too small and my patience too short to attempt using fresh pumpkins. I grabbed three cans of organic pumpkin puree while I was in the farmer's market and I'm using it instead. I'm all about the short cut.

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